Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table
Paperwood Coffee Table


Paperwood Coffee Table

97,900円 (税込)

惹きつけられる静けさが一瞬の均衡状態にあるものを包んでいます。無垢材の脚と天板は、20mmから5mmの厚さに先細くなっており、信じられないほどの視覚的な軽量感を与えます。その軽量感は底部の小さな隙間によって強調されます。テーブルと床の隙間から光が差し込むのです。(Anderssen & Voll)We find a certain attractive calmness surrounding objects that are in a momentary state of balance. The solid wood legs and table top tapers from a thickness of 20mm to 5mm, giving a sense of incredible visual lightness. This is emphasized by the small gap at the base, lifting the table off the floor and letting a sliver of light through.



天板 / テーブル / 無垢材