Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall
Skyladder Shelves Tall


Skyladder Shelves Tall

242,000円 (税込)

この棚のデザインは、現代美術家の蔡國強によって作成された花火のインスタレーションにインスパイアされています。棚の脚部の緩やかに湾曲したディテールは、熱気球から吊るされたロープのはしごを連想させます。繊細かつ機能的なデザインです。※ 佐賀県では、毎年80万人が来場する熱気球競技大会が開催されています。The design of these shelves are inspired by the fireworks installation created by Cai Guo-Qiang. The gently curved ends of the shelf legs are reminiscent of a rope ladder, suspended from a hot air balloon. The result is both poetic and structural. Incidentally, Saga is famous for its hot air balloon festival.Cai Guo-Qiang. The gently curved ends of the shelf legs are reminiscent of a rope ladder, suspended from a hot air balloon. The result is both poetic and structural. Incidentally, Saga is famous for its hot air balloon festival.



