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Explaining the average electricity, gas and water bills for single people and why they are so high! How to save money and seasonal fluctuations

When starting to live alone, many people have questions and concerns about electricity, gas, and water bills.

There's been a lot of talk recently about rising electricity bills, but how much do they actually cost?

In this article, we will thoroughly explain the average electricity, gas, and water bills for people living alone and the reasons why they are so high.

We'll go into detail about the average price range you want to know and the reasons for higher charges.

We will also introduce specific tips on how to use electricity effectively, how to deal with seasonal fluctuations, and ways to save money.

By reading this article, you will get some tips on how to live comfortably while cutting down on unnecessary expenses.

What is the average electricity bill for a single person?

First, we will explain in detail the average electricity bill for a single person.

Electricity bills are a major factor in household finances.

Arm yourself with knowledge and adjust your electricity bills wisely.

Average electricity bill for a single person

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' household survey , the average electricity bill for a single person in 2022 was 6,808 yen per month .

Of course, electricity usage will vary from person to person depending on your lifestyle and living environment.

Please refer to the average electricity bill for each season and the average utility bill overall and compare it with your own charges.

Seasonal variations and influencing factors

As the usage of electrical appliances varies with the season, your electricity bill may also fluctuate.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' 2022 household survey, the average electricity bills by season are as follows.

season Average amount per month
Spring (April to June) 6,333 yen
Summer (July to September) 6,418 yen
Autumn (October to December) 6,557 yen
Winter (January to March) 7,749 yen

Generally speaking, summer and winter, when heating and cooling equipment is used the most, are considered to be the seasons when electricity bills tend to be highest throughout the year.

In particular, in winter, the difference between the outside temperature and the set temperature of heating equipment becomes larger, which means more use of heating equipment such as air conditioners and stoves, which can result in the highest electricity bill of the year.

Average electricity bill by region

The difference in electricity bills varies greatly depending on how electricity is used in each region.

According to a household survey conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in 2022, the average electricity bills (monthly) in each region are as follows.

region Average electricity bill
Hokkaido and Tohoku Region 6,900 yen
Kanto region 6,731 yen
Hokuriku and Tokai regions 7,109 yen
Kinki Region 6,254 yen
Chugoku and Shikoku Region 7,449 yen
Kyushu and Okinawa Region 6,927 yen

As shown in the table above, electricity rates vary depending on the region.

In particular, monthly electricity bills fluctuate between areas with extreme cold or heat, such as Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa, and areas that are warm throughout the year, such as the Kinki Chubu and Sanyo regions, as there is a difference in the frequency of heating and cooling used.

Reasons why electricity bills are high for people living alone

Below we will explain in detail the main factors that lead to high electricity bills.

Let’s uncover the reasons behind high bills that are putting a strain on your household finances.

There are three main reasons why your electricity bill is high:

  1. Using old appliances that consume a lot of electricity
  2. There is a power leak or the meter is broken.
  3. Contract amperage is too high

1. Using old appliances that consume a lot of electricity

One of the reasons why electricity bills are high for people living alone may be that they are using old home appliances.

Manufacturers of electrical appliances that consume a lot of power, such as air conditioners and refrigerators, are constantly improving their energy-saving technologies.

However, if you continue to use the same air conditioner or refrigerator for more than 10 years, your electricity bills may increase.

In addition to specs, appliances also become less efficient over time and use more electricity.

To save money on your electricity bill, it's a good idea to replace your appliances with new ones.

When living alone, it is not uncommon for people to bring old appliances from their parents' home or purchase them cheaply at recycle shops.

If it's nearly time to replace your home appliances, consider the latest models, especially for items that you use for long periods of time, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines.

2. Electric leakage or meter malfunction

Although unlikely, possible causes of high electricity bills include leakage current, meter failure, faulty wiring, and power theft.

Electrical leakage can occur not only due to broken electrical wires, but also due to water being present in electrical outlets in your home.

Leaking electricity not only increases your electricity bill, but it can also lead to a fire.

If your electricity bill suddenly increases for no apparent reason, suspect a power leak.

There is also a possibility that you may be overcharged for electricity due to a malfunction of the power meter, incorrect wiring with the neighboring room, or power theft.

If you notice anything suspicious, contact your power company.

3. The contracted amperage is too high

One of the reasons why electricity bills are high for people living alone is that the contracted ampere number is higher than necessary.

The contracted ampere refers to the amount of electricity that can be used at one time, and if the capacity is low, the breaker will be tripped.

However, is it true that the higher the contract ampere, the better? The higher the contract ampere, the higher the basic fee and the higher your electricity bill will be.

However, if you live alone, you won't need a large ampere capacity because you will only be using a small number of electrical appliances at the same time.

Unless you use a large amount of electricity all at once, the chances of the breaker tripping are low, so if you live alone, check to see if you have signed up for more amperes than you need.

How to save on electricity bills when living alone

So far, we have introduced the average electricity bills for people living alone and the factors that lead to high electricity bills.

So, how can you reduce your electricity bill?

Below we will explain in detail some effective ways to save money.

Find concrete ways to reduce the strain on your household finances and make living alone economical.

There are three main ways to reduce your electricity bill:

  1. Unplug electrical appliances that you are not using
  2. Review the air conditioner temperature settings
  3. Review your electricity provider and plan

1. Unplug unused electrical appliances

Make sure to unplug appliances that you are not using from the outlet.

Even if you are not using an electrical appliance, it will still consume standby power just by having it plugged in, so be sure to unplug it frequently.

It is said that doing so can save approximately 50% of standby power consumption.

However, some machines cannot be unplugged from the outlet, and frequent unplugging and plugging is not recommended.

In such cases, you can reduce standby power consumption by one-third by simply turning off the main power.

You can also use a cable with a switch to turn it off, which has the same effect as unplugging it.

2. Review your air conditioner temperature settings

One effective way to save on electricity bills when living alone is to raise the air conditioner's temperature setting within a reasonable range.

For example, it is said that simply raising the set temperature of your air conditioner from 27 degrees to 28 degrees can save you about 800 yen in electricity bills per year if it is used for 9 hours a day.

The best way to use an air conditioner is to avoid extreme fluctuations in the temperature setting.

Using a circulator can also help you cool or heat a room more efficiently.

In addition, we recommend using the automatic operation mode to save energy.

In recent years, the performance of air conditioners has improved dramatically, and by leaving temperature control to the air conditioner, you can maintain the optimum temperature while saving electricity.

And don't forget to clean the filter regularly.

Maintaining a comfortable temperature is important not only to save money but also to stay healthy.

3. Review your electricity provider and plan

Review your electricity company and plan.

Currently, due to the liberalization of the electricity market, you can choose a new electricity company in addition to the traditional ones, and you can select a service with lower electricity rates.

Each power company offers a variety of rate plans.

If your electricity bill is high, it is important to check your current plan as it may have a high basic fee.

For example, if your usage volume remains roughly the same throughout the year, a flat-rate plan might be a good choice.

If your usage fluctuates significantly depending on the season, a plan where the fee changes according to the time of use may be a good option.

You can also use " Electricity Choice ," which allows you to compare electricity companies, to compare electricity company plans for free and find the cheapest electricity company.

By simply answering a few questions online, you can receive suggestions from professionals who are knowledgeable about power switching, and they will also help you with all the troublesome switching procedures.

If you are dissatisfied with your current electricity bill, please try comparing your electricity bills below.

Compare electricity rate plans

What is the average gas bill for a single person?

Next, we will explain the average gas bills for a single person.

Gas bills are one of the major household expenses.

Having accurate knowledge will make it easier to estimate and control your budget.

Average gas bill for a single person

According to a household survey conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in 2022, the average gas bill for people living alone was 3,311 yen per month .

Of course, gas usage and gas bills will vary depending on your lifestyle, living environment, and season.

The average gas prices shown here should be used as a guideline to help you reassess your own gas bills.

Seasonal variations and influencing factors

Gas prices also fluctuate slightly depending on the season.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' household survey, the average monthly gas bills for people living alone by season are as follows:

season Average amount per month
Spring (April – June) 3,387 yen
Summer (July to September) 2,345 yen
Autumn (October – December) 2,777 yen
Winter (January to March) 3,892 yen

When looking at the average gas bill by season, we can see that all households will see higher gas bills from winter (January to March 2022) to spring (April to June 2022).

Reasons why gas prices are higher from winter to spring include:

  • Increased gas usage due to the use of gas fan heaters
  • Because the temperature of tap water is low, the amount of gas used to heat hot water increases.

Some examples include:

Differences between city gas and propane gas

There are two types of gas: propane gas (LP gas) and city gas.

The major differences between propane gas and city gas are as follows:

Propane gas (LP gas) City gas
Main ingredients/raw materials Liquefied petroleum gas, mainly propane and butane Natural gas, mainly methane
Weight Heavier than air Lighter than air
Supply Method Gas cylinders are delivered to the customer's home and supplied Supplied through underground gas pipelines
Supply Area Anywhere in the country Only in densely populated urban areas
Heat generation Large: 24,000Kcal/m³ Small: 11,000Kcal/m³

As you can see from the table, the calorific value of propane gas is approximately twice that of city gas.

Therefore, propane gas can provide the same effect as city gas with half the amount.

However, since each propane gas company is free to set their own prices, it is not uncommon for prices to be set higher than the fair rate.

Even though propane gas requires only half the heat of city gas, the cost of propane gas can be more than twice as high as city gas.

Therefore, using propane gas can result in higher monthly gas bills.

If the amount is higher than average, check the type of gas and consider reconsidering your gas company.

Water bills for single people vary by municipality.

Water services are managed by local governments across the country, so rates vary.

Therefore, some people may be surprised by the changes in their water bills when they move to a distant location.

There are several factors that cause water rates to differ from region to region, including differences in the type and location of water sources, business scale, and costs.

In sparsely populated areas, fees are set high to begin with in order to secure financial resources, so the burden on each household is greater.

However, in Tokyo, all areas (except for some municipalities) are managed and operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau, so the fees within its jurisdiction are uniform.

What is the average water bill for a single person?

Next, we will explain in detail the average water bills for a single person.

Please use this as a reference and make use of it to estimate and manage your living expenses.

Average water bill for a single person

According to the household survey conducted by the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications , the average water bill for a single person in fiscal 2022 will be 2,116 yen per month .

However, in reality, water rates vary greatly depending on the season and region.

For people who fill their bathtub every day or do laundry every day, the values ​​will vary from the average, so these values ​​should only be understood as reference values.

Seasonal and lifestyle changes

In countries with four seasons, like Japan, water bills vary depending on the season.

During warmer months like spring and fall, your energy usage will be lower, which will result in lower bills.

However, when summer arrives, the heat means we do more laundry, take more showers, and drink more water such as barley tea.

Also, people who usually just take showers in winter will likely fill their bathtubs with hot water to warm their bodies and boil water more often to make hot drinks during the cold season.

These lifestyle changes can lead to increased water usage.

This means that your water bills often go up in summer and winter.


This time, we introduced electricity bills for people living alone, including the average price, reasons why they are high, ways to save money, and seasonal fluctuations.

In conclusion, there are a few things you can do to save money on your electricity bills.

First, check the terms of your contract with your power company.

You can reduce unnecessary costs by choosing a rate plan and avoiding peak electricity usage.

It is also effective to install energy-efficient home appliances and lighting fixtures.

You can reduce your electricity bills by proactively turning off power sources, conserving water, and taking insulation measures.

Electricity bills tend to rise in summer and winter when heating and cooling usage is high.

In order to achieve a sustainable lifestyle, it is important to continue to be conscious of saving electricity.


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