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Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of renting wooden houses! Also introducing the differences with reinforced concrete and steel frame construction

The most common housing structure in Japan is wooden construction. When you hear about wooden rental properties, many people probably think of apartments.

So, what exactly is a wooden house? Also, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a wooden house?

This time, we will explain in detail about wooden houses, including these.

We will also introduce basic knowledge and the differences between reinforced concrete and steel-frame construction used in condominiums and other buildings.

What are wooden houses for rent?

A wooden rental house is a house that is constructed using wood for the main parts of the building, such as the pillars and walls.

This is a construction method that has been used in Japanese architecture since ancient times, and is used for many buildings including shrines and temples. It remains strongly popular among Japanese people even today, when steel-framed homes are on the rise.

As evidence of this, the Housing and Land Statistics Survey (every 5 years) conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in 2018 revealed that 92.5% of homes in Japan are made of wood.

Wood is a warm and calming material, and is also an energy-saving raw material that does not put a strain on the environment.

But why is it so popular over steel-framed homes?

We will explain the reasons for its popularity and its benefits.

Four benefits of renting a wooden house

The benefits of renting a wooden house are:

  • Low rent and management fees
  • Easy to arrange furniture
  • High breathability and moisture control
  • Excellent fire resistance

I will explain them in order.

Low rent and management fees

Rental wooden houses tend to have lower rent and maintenance fees.

This is because material costs are cheaper and construction times are shorter than for steel-framed houses, which keeps construction costs down and is reflected in rent.

In addition, since most wooden houses are two stories or less, elevators are often not installed and there are fewer shared facilities, which helps keep management costs low.

Easy to arrange furniture

Renting a wooden house is easy when it comes to arranging furniture.

Steel-framed homes often have pillars protruding from the corners of rooms, creating dead space, but this is not the case with wooden homes.

This makes it easier to place furniture where you want it, giving you more freedom in terms of layout.

In addition, there will be no unevenness in the ceiling or walls due to beams or pillars, which will reduce the feeling of oppression in the room.

Highly breathable and moisture wicking

Wooden homes tend to be more breathable and hygroscopic. Wood is an environmentally friendly, breathable material that absorbs moisture.

Because steel-framed houses are airtight, moisture tends to accumulate in the rooms, which often causes condensation in the winter.

However, wooden houses are well ventilated and have antibacterial properties, so water droplets rarely accumulate on window frames and the like, which can lead to mold growth.

Excellent fire resistance

In fact, wooden houses are highly fire-resistant.

Because the cross section of wood used in construction is thick, even if the surface ignites, a charred layer forms on the surface, which acts as an insulating layer, slowing the combustion and preventing the wood from crumbling in a short time even if it burns.

On the other hand, steel is thin and strong, but it is prone to deformation and bending in a short period of time when exposed to fire or heat, making it more susceptible to collapse than wooden structures.

Four disadvantages of renting a wooden house

While there are advantages, there are also disadvantages.

Next, we will explain the disadvantages. There are four disadvantages to renting a wooden house.

  • Sound leaks
  • Heating and cooling efficiency decreases
  • Vulnerable to pest damage
  • Poor earthquake resistance

I will explain them in order.

Sound leaks

Rental wooden houses have poor soundproofing and are prone to sound leakage because they allow sound to pass through easily.

Compared to steel-framed buildings, wooden buildings have thinner walls and are less airtight, so vibrations from the walls and floors are transmitted directly to adjacent rooms.

This is the cause of sound leakage, such as everyday sounds.

If noise comes from adjacent rooms, it is possible that you may end up being the source of the noise.

To avoid trouble with neighbors, it is a good idea to take soundproofing measures by making good use of soundproofing sheets that you can simply stick on the wall or cushion tiles that you can simply lay down.

Heating and cooling efficiency decreases

While rented wooden homes have good ventilation, they tend to have less efficient heating and cooling.

Due to the structure of wooden houses, there are gaps in the window frames, ceilings, floors and walls, and air can enter and exit through small, invisible gaps.

As a result, hot air from outside enters the room in summer and cold air enters the room in winter, making the heating and cooling less effective.

Therefore, we recommend taking measures such as opening the windows before turning on the air conditioner in summer to let the heat trapped in the room escape, and using cold-weather curtains in winter.

Vulnerable to pest damage

One concern about renting wooden homes is that they are susceptible to termite pest damage.

Termites in particular cause corrosion from the foundation up, which can reduce the durability of a building even if it does not cause the building to collapse.

Termites also love wood, as wood is their main food source, and they also like damp and dark places.

Therefore, it is necessary to take measures such as not creating an environment that termites like, and not placing wood or cardboard on balconies or entrances where they can enter.

Be sure to ventilate the room properly to prevent it from becoming hot and humid, and prevent termites from entering.

Some properties have poor earthquake resistance

Properties built before the revision of earthquake resistance standards in June 1981 may have poor earthquake resistance.

Generally, houses are built to be earthquake-resistant according to standards set by the Building Standards Act, which was amended in June 1981 to improve earthquake resistance.

The revised earthquake resistance standards stipulate that houses must be designed so that they will not collapse or fall apart even in an earthquake with a seismic intensity of 6+ or 7, regardless of their structure or construction method.

Therefore, since there is a significant difference in earthquake resistance before and after the law was revised, when choosing a wooden house to rent, it is a good idea to look for a recently built property.

Wooden houses, which are the common structure for apartments, are popular among Japanese people, but in recent years there has also been an increase in demand for reinforced concrete apartment buildings.

However, in reality, there is no official definition of an apartment or condominium.

However, in general, apartments are classified as being two stories or less and made of wood, while condominiums are three stories or more and made of reinforced concrete.

Next, we will introduce you to the structure of reinforced concrete, which is commonly used in condominiums.

What is reinforced concrete construction for rental properties?

Reinforced concrete construction refers to a building whose main structural parts, such as pillars and beams, are made of steel bars and concrete.

In the structure column, it may be written as "RC construction", which is the abbreviation for Reinforced Concrete.

The main construction method is to pour concrete into a rebar frame and let it harden.

Reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) is a construction method that allows for relatively free design because it is formed from steel bars and concrete, and is also excellent in terms of durability, earthquake resistance, fire resistance, and soundproofing.

In particular, the main material, concrete, is highly fire-resistant and non-combustible, so even if a fire does break out, the main structural components will not burn.

Due to its strong strength, this construction method has been adopted in recent years for a variety of buildings, including condominiums, offices, and ordinary homes.

Four benefits of reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) for rental properties

In recent years, reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) has been adopted for a variety of buildings, but what are the advantages and disadvantages of reinforced concrete construction?

First, let's start with the benefits. There are four benefits to renting a reinforced concrete (RC) building:

  • Excellent sound insulation
  • High earthquake resistance and durability
  • Has high fire resistance
  • It is rich in design

I'll explain each one.

Excellent sound insulation

Reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) has excellent sound insulation properties.

Generally speaking, the heavier the material, the better the soundproofing ability.

Therefore, it is understandable that reinforced concrete construction (RC construction), which uses overwhelmingly heavy concrete for walls and floors, has high sound insulation properties.

In particular, reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) is a good choice for those who want to place high-output surround speakers in their rooms, as it has a high ability to block out low-frequency sounds.

High earthquake resistance and durability

Due to its nature, reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) boasts high earthquake resistance.

Steel bars are strong against pulling forces (tensile forces), while concrete is strong against compression forces.

This makes it easier to distribute the load on the building caused by various vibrations, such as vertical and horizontal shaking, during an earthquake, minimizing damage.

In addition, the statutory useful life of reinforced concrete (RC) construction is 47 years, but with proper maintenance, it is said that its useful life can extend to more than 100 years.

Has high fire resistance

The main material of reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) is concrete, which is a non-combustible material and has extremely high fire resistance.

Another advantage of reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) is that it is highly airtight, meaning there is less risk of fire spreading.

In apartment complexes and other multi-unit dwellings, it is impossible to know when or in which room a fire will break out, including in neighboring buildings.

That is why living in a room made of reinforced concrete (RC), which has high fire resistance, can provide great peace of mind.

It is rich in design

Reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) is a construction method in which concrete is poured into the building, so it can be arranged into any shape and offers a high degree of design freedom.

There is a wide variety, including modern properties, designer apartments, rooms without partitions, and unique floor plans.

The bold designs possible thanks to the high degree of freedom in design make this apartment the perfect structure for those who are particular about everything from the exterior to the interior.

Two disadvantages of reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) for rental properties

Now, let's explain the disadvantages.

There are two disadvantages to using reinforced concrete (RC) construction for rental properties:

  • High rent
  • Condensation and mold are likely to occur

I will explain them in order.

High rent

Reinforced concrete (RC) construction tends to have higher rent.

Not only are reinforced concrete expensive in terms of materials, but the work process, such as pouring concrete into the reinforcing bars, is time-consuming, resulting in high labor costs and long construction times.

The cost of construction is reflected in the rent, which means higher rents.

If you want to keep your rent low, it would be better to choose a house with a structure other than reinforced concrete (RC).

Condensation and mold are likely to occur

Reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) is prone to condensation and mold.

Reinforced concrete construction (RC construction), which is made entirely of concrete, is highly airtight, but has poor breathability if ventilation is not provided.

This can cause condensation and mold.

However, recent apartment buildings have been equipped with 24-hour ventilation systems, so ventilation is improving.

However, it is still a good idea to be conscious of ventilation.

Which is better for renting: wooden or reinforced concrete (RC) construction?

Now that we know the advantages and disadvantages of wood and reinforced concrete (RC) construction, many people are still unsure which one to choose.

Next, we will explain whether wooden construction or reinforced concrete (RC) construction is recommended for rental properties.

Wooden houses and reinforced concrete (RC) houses have different advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, rather than saying which one is better, it is important to choose one based on whether it is suitable for you.

This time, we will introduce recommended structures that focus on two important points for daily life.

  • I don't want to be bothered by noise
  • I want to keep my rent low

Let's take a look at them one by one.

If you don't want to worry about noise, choose reinforced concrete construction (RC construction)

If you don't want to have to worry about noises in your daily life, reinforced concrete (RC) construction, which has high soundproofing properties, is a good choice.

For families with small children, we recommend properties made of reinforced concrete, which has excellent soundproofing, as the noise from children's footsteps and playing can easily lead to problems with neighbors.

Even if you live alone and don't want to worry about safety, reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) is recommended.

Reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) is less likely to echo the sounds of your own life and that of your neighbors, and it is also highly earthquake-resistant, so you can minimize concerns about the impact and damage caused by earthquakes.

If you want to keep rent low, choose a wooden building

If you want to keep your rent as low as possible, we recommend a wooden house.

Wooden houses have lower rent than reinforced concrete (RC) construction because the raw material, wood, is cheaper and the construction period is shorter.

Many people are concerned about earthquake resistance due to the structure, but homes built after revisions to the Building Standards Act will not collapse or fall apart in an earthquake with a seismic intensity of 6+ to 7.

Also, in the case of an earthquake with a seismic intensity of 5 or higher, the building will be able to maintain its functionality, so there is no need to worry excessively about earthquake resistance.

Wooden houses are well-ventilated and are ideal for Japan's hot and humid climate.

The fact that rent can be kept low and fixed costs are reduced is a major attraction.

What is steel-framed construction (S-construction) for rental properties?

So far, we have provided detailed information about wood and reinforced concrete (RC) construction.

Generally speaking, there are four types of rental housing:

  • wooden
  • Reinforced concrete construction (RC construction)
  • Steel frame construction (S construction)
  • Steel-reinforced concrete construction (SRC)

Next, we will explain about steel-framed construction (S-construction).

A steel-framed (S-frame) rental property is a building that uses steel for the framework, such as beams and columns.

In the structure column, it is sometimes written as "S-structure", taking the initials of Steel.

This steel-framed construction (S-construction) is classified according to the thickness of the steel used and there are two types:

  • Lightweight steel construction
  • Heavy steel construction

I'll explain each one.

Lightweight steel construction

Light steel construction has steel materials less than 6mm thick and is often used in low-rise buildings.

Light steel construction allows for mass production of consistent quality because parts are produced in advance in factories, and construction times are also shorter.

This keeps labor and construction costs down, and rents tend to be cheaper.

In addition, the "lightness" of lightweight steel construction also means its "flexibility," meaning the steel frames are less likely to break even in earthquakes and other shaking, minimizing the impact on the building.

However, although it is lightweight, it is made of steel, so it has poor ventilation and is prone to condensation, so it needs to be ventilated frequently.

In addition, it is important to understand that because the steel is thin, it has lower soundproofing and durability.

Heavy steel construction

Heavy steel construction has steel thickness of 6mm or more and is primarily used in mid- to low-rise buildings.

Compared to light steel frames, heavy steel frames have thicker pillars and beams, so the frame can be made with fewer beams than light steel frames, allowing for larger spaces to be created.

There is a high degree of freedom in the design, and the columns can be spaced widely apart, making it possible to create an open, spacious atrium.

In addition, the thicker the walls are, the better the soundproofing is, as thicker steel materials are used. Avoiding noise problems is a major benefit.

However, since the price of steel is based on weight, heavy steel frames cost more to build than light steel frames.

Therefore, be aware that rents tend to be higher.

The difference between reinforced concrete (RC) and steel frame (S) construction for rental properties

Before explaining the remaining type, steel-reinforced concrete construction (SRC), we will compare the differences between reinforced concrete construction (RC) and steel-framed construction (S).

The differences between reinforced concrete construction (RC) and steel frame construction (S) for rental housing are as follows:

Reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) Steel frame construction (S construction)
raw materials Steel + Concrete iron
Earthquake resistance expensive usually
Fire resistance expensive low
Soundproofing expensive low
airtightness expensive expensive

As mentioned above, reinforced concrete construction (RC construction) demonstrates high functionality in all areas.

However, good airtightness also means poor ventilation, which makes it more susceptible to condensation and mold.

Therefore, we recommend that you consciously take measures such as ventilation and dehumidification.

In addition, the earthquake resistance of steel-framed construction (S-construction) is inferior to that of reinforced concrete construction (RC-construction), but is higher than that of wooden construction.

What is steel reinforced concrete construction (SRC) for rental properties?

Now let's take a closer look at the remaining type, steel reinforced concrete construction (SRC).

A rental property made of steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) is a structure that combines reinforced concrete (RC) and steel-framed (S) construction.

In addition to reinforced concrete construction (RC), steel beams are used as supports and concrete is poured into the gaps.

This structure combines the durability of reinforced concrete (RC) construction with the flexibility of steel-framed (S) construction, making it possible to build high-rise buildings and tower apartments.

However, in some cases, concrete is only poured on the lower floors of the foundation in order to reduce the weight of the upper floors.

Steel-reinforced concrete construction (SRC) offers excellent earthquake resistance and durability.

However, because it requires large-scale construction, this method is rarely used except for high-rise buildings.

[Finally] The number of wooden apartments for rent is on the rise!

This time, we explained the structure of rental housing. I think you now understand that there are four main types of rental housing structures:

  • wooden
  • Reinforced concrete construction (RC construction)
  • Steel frame construction (S construction)
  • Steel-reinforced concrete construction (SRC)

For a long time, the most familiar structure for Japanese homes has been wooden houses, and this remains the case even today, when reinforced concrete and steel framed homes are on the rise.

Due to the nature of their structure, most wooden buildings have been constructed with two stories or less, so I think most people think of "wooden building = apartment."

However, thanks to revisions to the Building Standards Act and advances in technology, the fire resistance and earthquake resistance of wooden buildings has increased, making it possible to build safe mid- to high-rise apartment buildings using wood.

Although there are still only a few of them, the number of wooden apartment buildings is increasing, so try looking for a property with a structure that suits you.


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