Brand: FLYMEe
This rug is soft and smooth to the touch by adding glossy threads and using threads twisted tighter than usual. At first glance it appears to be a single color, but it is made of mixed colors with different shades twisted together, giving it a complex and rich look. It is treated with an allergy blocking agent made from inorganic anti-allergens derived from natural minerals that are safe to touch the skin. The base of the pile is firmly treated, so it is effective against allergens such as cedar pollen and dust mites that are difficult to remove with a vacuum cleaner. By absorbing allergens, which are the cause of allergies that exist all year round, it helps create a safe, comfortable and clean indoor environment. This rug has the following features. - Anti-mite processing using ingredients that dust mites dislike - Soundproofing effect that blocks indoor noise - Passed the disaster prevention performance test of the Japan Disaster Prevention Association - Very little loose hair - Backing made of clean and safe medical materials - Non-slip backing - Compatible with heated carpets and floor heating - Manufactured with consideration for formaldehyde Source:
FLYMEe (フライミー)