Green Chef Vintage Brownie Black 2-piece set, IH/Gas compatible
Introducing Green Chef, the sister brand of Green Pan. For those who are considering switching from the coating (mainly fluororesin-coated) frying pans you are currently using to ceramic non-stick coating. For those who are interested in ceramic coating but are wondering what it is like? We are offering a great bulk purchase set from Green Chef, which offers it at an affordable price. A set of two easy-to-use frying pans. A set of 20cm and 26cm frying pans that are easy to use for everyday cooking. The 20cm frying pan can be used for single-serving dishes or small amounts of food, and the 26cm frying pan can be used for 2-3 servings. This set is perfect for a new life or replacing your frying pans. A vintage series egg pan with a tasteful design that stands out with its black body and woodgrain handle. This vintage series egg pan has a tasteful design that matches the black body and woodgrain handle. It has excellent thermal conductivity and is characterized by its non-stick surface coating effect. The handle is easy to grip and is recommended for daily use. There is a possibility that some chipping may occur during transportation in areas where the coating is thin, such as the edges of the frying pan. These unavoidable chips in the coating do not affect the use of the product, so they are considered to be good products and are not eligible for refunds or returns. Please rest assured that the coating will not peel off (roll up) from the chipped area. Green Chef uses aluminum that meets safety standards, so there is no effect on cooking or on the human body.
Green Chef Vintage Brownie Black 2-piece set, IH/Gas compatible
GREENCHEF (グリーンシェフ)
GREENPAN (グリーンパン)
Brownie Black
Aluminum alloy, Phenolic Resin, ceramic
重量: 0.9 kg
Frying pan